Emergency Support
Local Support
PDAS (Plymouth Domestic Abuse Service) 01752 252033
TDAS Torbay Domestic Abuse Service 01803 698869
Torbay Women’s Refuge 01803 524594
Devon Domestic Abuse Helpline 0345 155 1074
Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) 01803 208100
Torbay Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) 0345 155 1071
Cry-sis Helpline (For parents of Crying and Sleepless babies 08451 228 669 https://www.cry-sis.org.uk/
Open 24/7, 365 days of the year
Samaritans works to make sure there’s always someone there for anyone who needs someone – 24/7, 365 days of the year.
Tel: 116 123 (free to call and will not appear on your phone bill)
Email: jo@samaritans.org
Website: www.samaritans.org
National Domestic Violence Helpline
Other helpful support
Respect – Men’s Advice Line
Email support: info@mensadviceline.
Mon-Fri: 9am-8pm,
Sat & Sun: 10am-12pm & 4pm-6pm
Webchat support:
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
10–11am and 3–4pm
Website: www.mensadviceline.
Mental Health Support
CALM – Campaign Against Living Miserably
The Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) is leading a movement against suicide, the single biggest killer of men under 45 in the UK and the cause of 18 deaths every day
PANDAS Foundation
Supporting parents experiencing a perinatal mental illness.
Tel (nationwide): 0808 1961 776
For urgent medical attention, your options are Accident & Emergency (A&E) and Emergency GP appointments or 999.
For urgent medical advice, you can call the NHS 111 (England) or NHS Direct (Wales).